Vacation Bible School 2024
VBS is over for another year. It was held July 29th - August 2nd.
There were 60 kids registered this year and 33 volunteers.
They learned more about their faith through music, dance, science, games, snacks, crafts and bible stories.
The youth prepared 133 sandwiches that were delivered to Trinity Lutheran to be distributed to the community.
What Is VBS?
VBS is a nationwide program many churches offer. The purpose is to incorporate themed activities that entertain kids
with the chance to learn about God.
Themes and Activities
Many VBS programs choose one theme for the week. They use this theme to creatively adapt it to teachings from the Bible..
A typical day at Vacation Bible School may include:
- Arts and crafts
- Bible stories
- Character-building activities
- Games
- Prayer
- Puppet shows
- Skits
Possible benefits of VBS include the following:
- Children learn about religion through fun, age-appropriate activities.
- Kids meet new friends who share their beliefs.
- Life lessons help every child learn how to be a good person and a friend to others.
- Perfect for younger children to get a feel for camp without having to go away overnight.
- You don't always have to be a church member to attend VBS.
Age Range
Children from preschoolers to the age of 11 may benefit the most from Vacation Bible School.